Onboarding and Enablement: Insights, Challenges, and Best Practices | Mafalda Johannsen - Wonderway

Onboarding and Enablement: Insights, Challenges, and Best Practices | Mafalda Johannsen - Wonderway

43 Minuten


vor 3 Monaten


In this conversation with Marfalda Johansson, the Chief
Commercial Officer of Wanderway, the focus is on the significance
of effective onboarding and training for new employees. Marfalda
emphasizes that good onboarding is crucial not only for the
success of the employee but also for the growth of the company.
She discusses the challenges associated with onboarding and
underscores the need for hands-on training tailored to the
individual needs and skills of employees. She also highlights the
importance of continuous and external training to bring in new
insights and perspectives. In conclusion, she emphasizes the
importance of repetition and understanding in training to be
truly effective. In this discussion with Mafalda Johannsen, the
effective use of workshops and training to further educate sales
personnel is explored. Mafalda recommends that not all employees
need to see the entire content of a workshop, but relevant
information should be shared with the team. She also stresses the
importance of discussions and feedback to deepen what has been
learned. Mafalda also talks about her podcasts, where she
discusses personas and misunderstandings in the sales process.
She also offers a masterclass focusing on communication with
technical individuals. Finally, the importance of investing in
one's own education is emphasized.


1. Effective onboarding is crucial for the success of new
employees and the growth of the company.

2. Practical training tailored to the individual needs and skills
of employees is particularly effective.

3. Continuous training and external workshops provide new
insights and perspectives.

4. Repetition and understanding are crucial for effective
training. Not all employees need to see the entire content of a
workshop, but relevant information should be shared within the

5. Discussions and feedback are essential to deepen the learning

6. Podcasts can be a valuable learning resource to stay informed
on relevant topics and receive tips from experts.

7. Investments in training and education are crucial for personal
success and should not be neglected.


00:00 Introduction of Marfalda Johansson

03:06 The Importance of Good Onboarding

06:03 Challenges of Onboarding

08:13 Effective Onboarding

11:30 Challenges of Manager Training

14:01 Importance of Hands-on Training

17:02 Individualized Training for Different Skillsets

20:24 Necessity of Continuous Training

22:36 Benefits of External Training

26:08 Importance of Tailored Training

29:22 Significance of Repetition in Training

30:09 Importance of Understanding in Training

30:39 Effective Use of Workshops and Training

34:04 Podcasts as a Learning Resource

36:44 Mafalda Johannsen's Podcasts

37:12 Mafalda Johannsen's Masterclass

40:02 Investment in Training and Education


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Special Shoutout: A big thank you to the SDRs of
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