Episode 1 - He-Man! By the Power of NUMBERS!

Episode 1 - He-Man! By the Power of NUMBERS!

33 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Welcome at the Battleground!

Today it is going to get serious! We start with our new series
and will cast our all seeing eye on the first of the Starterset
Characters. Of course it is the strongest and most powerful Hero
of all times, especially our childhood. HE-MAN!

We are going to have a look at his stats and his skills and we
will develop some tactics how to use all his might to overwhelm
our enemys. Or how we could exploit his weaknesses to conquer
Eternia. Its up to you.

I hope you enjoy this show and will come back soon, for the next
episode from Battleground Eternia!

Feedback and criticism is always welcome! Just send me an email
to bg-eternia@mail.de or leave an comment whereever you found
that show. Or just join our Discord Server so that we could
directly get into contact!

For more information, here is the Link to the publisher:

The Rules, Pointscosts and assambly manual are found here as an

The Battleground Book, and the Forums for that game are found at

The Loresnipets are from www.dark-universe.de

Thank you so much for listening!



All used names and trademarks are owned by there owners.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers - @ https://silvermansound.com

Sound effects obtained from https://zapsplat.com

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