Angriff auf die Ukraine, Tötungsdelikte in den USA, Buchverbot an US-Schulen und Gewerkschaften im Aufschwung

Angriff auf die Ukraine, Tötungsdelikte in den USA, Buchverbot an US-Schulen und Gewerkschaften im Aufschwung

1 Stunde 12 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Folge 13: Angriff auf die Ukraine, Tötungsdelikte in den USA,
Buchverbot an US-Schulen und Gewerkschaften im


(aufgenommen am 24. Februar 2022)



Fake it til you make it? Der Fall Elizabeth Holmes

Online Talk: Breaking the Social Media Prism: How to Make Our
Platforms Less Polarizing

Der Krieg in der Ukraine

Politik-Experte Sirakov: „Putin hat nicht recht“ (Rheinpfalz)

Krieg in Ukraine: Wie der aktuelle Stand ist (ZDF)

Live News Updates (New York Times)

„Angriff im Baltikum wäre ein Weltkrieg“: Der
Außenpolitikexperte David Sirakov erklärt, was Putin antreibt
(Rhein-Zeitung) (Paywall)

Tötungsdelikte in den USA

Biden turns his focus to gun violence as Democrats try to
shed 'defund the police' label (CNN)

‘We Have Not Defunded Anything’: Big Cities Boost Police
Budgets (Bloomberg)

Even as Crime Declines, Gun Violence Is Rising (The

Examining the Spike in Murders (The New York Times)

Anzahl der Morde in den USA dramatisch gestiegen (FAZ)

Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods were more dangerous
than ever in 2021 (Chicago Sun Times)

Transcript: Rogé Karma Interviews Patrick Sharkey for ‘The
Ezra Klein Show’ (The New York Times)

Why rising crime isn't breaking through as a national issue

Buchverbot an US-Schulen

A Tennessee school board removed the graphic novel 'Maus,'
about the Holocaust, from curriculum due to language and nudity
concerns (CNN)

What’s Behind The Flap About ‘Maus’ (Forbes)

Critical Race Theory: An Introduction (NYU Press)

Wie eine Rassismustheorie die Amerikaner polarisiert (Neue
Zürcher Zeitung)

New critical race theory laws have teachers scared, confused
and self-censoring (The Washington Post)

From slavery to socialism, new legislation restricts what
teachers can discuss (NPR)

New rules are limiting how teachers can teach Black History
Month (Axios)

The critics were right: "Critical race theory" panic is just
a cover for silencing educators (Salon)

Disputing Racism’s Reach, Republicans Rattle American Schools
(The New York Times)

Gewerkschaften und Streik 

US-Arbeitskampf: Gewerkschaftsbeitritt bei Starbucks,
Massenkündigungen bei Kellogg‘s (Frankfurter Rundschau)

Kellogg strike will end after workers agree to new contract

Mitarbeiter in US-Apple-Stores wollen Gewerkschaft gründen

Approval of Labor Unions at Highest Point Since 1965

Taking On Starbucks, Inspired by Bernie Sanders (The New
York Times)

Some U.S. Apple Store employees are working to unionize,
part of a growing worker backlash (Washington Post)

White House task force report on worker organizing and
empowerment (The White House)

Transatlantic Treat

Super Bowl Commercials 

The best (and worst) Super Bowl commercials: Lizzo,
cranky Zeus and more (NPR)

(Bildnachweis: Super Bowl LVI, Los Angeles, California
Pre-Game Warm Ups, Redspork02,

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