Mission Possible Partnership: 400 Partners. 7 Heavy Industries. 1 Goal: Net-Zero 2050

Mission Possible Partnership: 400 Partners. 7 Heavy Industries. 1 Goal: Net-Zero 2050

56 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
CEO Matt Rogers: “We are deeply committed to decarbonise 7
heavy-emitting industries by 2050: Cement, Steel, Aluminium and
Chemicals - as well as Shipping, Aviation and Trucking.” These 7
big industries are the building blocks of the global economy.
Currently, they are responsible for 30% of GHG emissions globally.
The 4 materials alone are responsible for 60% of current industry
emissions. Where to begin? "Our 400 partners made bold commitments.
Now is the time for bold actions. Because we know how to get from
here to there on a step-by-step-basis." Mission Possible
Partnership is the first high-ambition, business backed
organisation that is providing cross-sector and sector strategies
to decarbonise 7 industries by 2050. The alliance of 400+ leaders
are partnering up to clean up, focused on supercharging
decarbonisation across the entire value chain. Founded and driven
by the Energy Transitions Commission, RMI, We Mean Business
Coalition, and the World Economic Forum, other partners include the
Global Maritime Forum, Bezos Earth Fund and McKinsey. "We connect
the dots." Matt Rogers talks in an fascinating and uplifting
interview about: # radical collaboration across the entire value
chain # getting to net-zero on a step by step basis # net-zero
growth is central to the mapping # cross sector and cross country
strategies # re-thinking business models # finance, technology,
commitment, resilience # how investors drive demand # standard
setting # hard work and a tribute to the innovators

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