About belonging, communication, language and fear with Dr. Fra Mega

About belonging, communication, language and fear with Dr. Fra Mega

1 Stunde 3 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

This is a ‘special episode’ we release in course of the
International Day against Homo-, Trans- and
Bi-phobia on the 17th May.

For this conversation, we invited Dr. Fra Mega - a neuroscientist
turned social entrepreneur and founder of two ventures - EMBODIED
INTUITION & Dr. Mega Consulting. Fra is aiming to co-create a
(working) world that allows every human to feel they belong,
their voice matters and their being is valued. What do we need to
make this work and transform our working world towards more
'belonging'? What is the difference between inclusion and
belonging? What has communication to do with all of that? And is
communication only language? What leadership, emotions and fear
have to do with this and what we all can start doing today to
create change – these are some of the things we discussed. Tune

A glimpse into how we get started to build a sustainable
diversity, inclusion & belonging strategy:

Monthly newsletter, filled with insights from Fra's Team and
their work, and access to exclusive guides and reports they put
together: http://eepurl.com/hqtGVf

Website: https://www.dr-mega.com/  & direct link to
training portfolio: https://www.dr-mega.com/training.html

Fra's LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-mega/

Link to the spoken word piece Fra mentioned:

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