Creating a company culture in a 100% remote work environment with Josie from SAP

Creating a company culture in a 100% remote work environment with Josie from SAP

43 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

We talked with Josephine Monberg - Head
of Communication and Culture Global Industry and Value
Advisory at SAP - about the future of
communication and culture. SAP, with over 100.000 employees
world-wide, went 100% into remote work last year - and was one of
the first companies that communicated very openly, that they are
not planning to change that any time soon. What does this mean
for the company culture? What impact does communication have on
creating this culture?  We discussed these questions with
Josephine, who shared how the internal communication was
transformed, what innovative approaches SAP took to internal
communications and what her future vision is.

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