#10 How to become anything you want - no matter where you’re coming from - George Kaingob

#10 How to become anything you want - no matter where you’re coming from - George Kaingob

It's one thing to say you can achieve anything you want in life if you come from a privileged white background... It's a totally different ballgame if you are black, come from a humble background in the outskirts of Windhoek, Namibia, if your mum sin...
56 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

It's one thing to say you can achieve anything you want in life
if you come from a privileged white background...

It's a totally different ballgame if you are black, come from a
humble background in the outskirts of Windhoek, Namibia, if your
mum single-handedly has to raise 17 children, you go to bed
hungry every second night and there is only basic education
available for you...

But despite all this my friend George Kaingob has always believed
that "no matter where you are coming from, you can be anything
you want in life!" And he is a living example that with the right
mindset and determination, this is true


With the belief and ambition to build the life he dreamed of,
George has created a wonderful life, learned languages, worked
his way up and become a successful but more importantly extremely
happy man.


Geore is an inspiration! And I am proud to call him a friend.
When I was last in Namibia we sat down next to a waterhole and
while watching the game come for a drink, we recorded a podcast -
so that the world can hear George's inspiring story.


His story is toughing, inspiring, beautiful...


George has an incredibly positive mindset in everything he does
and believes that everyone can achieve anything they want, no
matter where they come from. What helps him immensely to maintain
this mindset and overcome difficulties is spending time in nature
and using nature's healing powers. Further, he shares why he
prefers doing smaller continuous steps to achieve his goals
instead of big, risky steps. This tells a lot about his
understanding of responsibility and how much he feels connected
to his community. The most important thing to him: helping other
people help themselves, with tools instead of money. Finally,
George has a crucial message for us that could not be more
motivating: “Time does not wait for anyone. It is always better
to get up and do what you need to do.” Thank you George!


Okapuka Safari Lodge: okapuka-ranch.com 

George Kaingob on Facebook: facebook.com/george.kaingob 


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