#13 Six million fans and a happy life - Heidi Dugan

#13 Six million fans and a happy life - Heidi Dugan

Heidi Dugan is a powerhouse of inspiration, a hugely successful lady with over 6 million fans but most importantly, Heidi is a person that has created her life in a truly fulfilling and happy way. In this episode, I speak to the courageous Australia...
55 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Heidi Dugan is a powerhouse of inspiration, a hugely successful
lady with over 6 million fans but most importantly, Heidi is a
person that has created her life in a truly fulfilling and happy

In this episode, I speak to the courageous Australian that's
become a cult figure in China about her journey, the tools behind
her success and her inspiring mindset. 

Heidi amazes me. She is an advocate of clarity of who you are and
what you want in your life, of hard work and of biting the bullet
in order to achieve your goals. She reveals how small supporting
habits have the power to get you wherever you want to be in life.

Heidi and I speak about how the mind is the most powerful tool we
have to achieve success and happiness at the same time, about how
growth can be challenging and painful and about the incredible
power of visualisation.

Completely in tune with the idea of the Phoenix Mindset Podcast
she knows what it takes to achieve success and happiness and is
happy to share it with us!


Do you want to learn more about Heidi Dugan, then check out the
links below:





 Heidi 跟我学

 Heidi 中洋生活


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Order Sonja’s National Geographic book „SONNENGEFLÜSTER“

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