The Internet of Shit Goes to Court - When Smart Devices Betray Their Owners (en)

The Internet of Shit Goes to Court - When Smart Devices Betray Their Owners (en)

Can smart devices solve crimes - or is IoT the new CCTV? An all-female introduction to IoT privacy, security and the use of smart devices as evidence in criminal investigations.
41 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren
Frederike Kaltheuner, Millie Graham Wood From smart phones, to
smart hairbrushes, smart water glasses and yes, even smart bins -
we are surrounding ourselves with ever more powerful sensors.
Connected devices now occupy our homes, our bodies, and public
spaces. What happens when these devices are seized by police or
become evidence in court? In December 2016, prosecutors in Arkansas
(US) filed a search warrant for data from Amazon Echo to help solve
a murder chase. Amazon’s personal assistant device uses voice
recognition to answer user’s questions.  Just like Apple
refused to help the FBI to unlock an iPhone belonging to one of the
San Bernardino terrorists, Amazon also declined to give police any
of the information that the Echo logged on its servers. Smart
devices as evidence raise complex ethical and legal questions. We
are building an Internet of Sensors at a time when we have very
little evidence about what kinds of data our devices generate,
collect, store or share. In this talk we will address the following
questions: How can we ensure that devices don't generate and
collect more data than they promise to? What does consent mean in a
world of sensors? Algorithms and data anlytics are imperfect. How
reliable is data from smart devices as evidence? How can
manufacturers maintain their customers' privacy?

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