Designing the Impossible (en)

Designing the Impossible (en)

At re:publica 2017, the Willy Wonka of Design and Science, Critical explorer and fearless and passionate provocateur, Wired Innovation Fellow, designer Nelly Ben Hayoun will create a space for thoughts, debate and provocation around the sociological and c
27 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren
Nelly Ben Hayoun She will explain the challenges she faces in her
own practice, trying to defy and design in the gravity of the
hyppereal, a world where fiction is as truthful as reality. In this
passionate keynote, she will share the complexity of her large
scale projects (The International Space Orchestra, Disaster
Playground and The Life, The Sea and the Space Viking) and
introduce member of the public to her ‘hammering and total
bombardment’ philosophy.

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Closing Ceremony (en)
50 Minuten
vor 7 Jahren
Closing Ceremony (de)
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vor 7 Jahren
Geh sterben du F°tze (de)
29 Minuten
vor 7 Jahren
Scraping Art - Mapping the Neuland
25 Minuten
vor 7 Jahren

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