Stories for all of your senses: multisensory VR and social cohesion (en)

Stories for all of your senses: multisensory VR and social cohesion (en)

We are sensory beings, constantly taking in information to form our perception of the world around us. Yet our major forms of storytelling often only speak to our eyes and our ears. The Feelies creates multisensory VR content that speaks to all your sense
19 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren
Grace Boyle Grace Boyle's brainchild The Feelies is a bold
experiment in storytelling, taking the immersion of VR to the next
level by adding the highly emotive textures of smell, feeling and
taste into the narrative arcs we tell our audiences, and how we
choose to guide them along that journey.  In this talk, she
shares some of her experiences writing, shooting and delivery a
multisensory VR narrative with the environmental organisation
Greenpeace, including their two week trip to the heart of the
Amazon rainforest to map the sensory landscape of one of the world
most incredible ecosystems.

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