Artificial Intelligence: A Network Of Labor (en)

Artificial Intelligence: A Network Of Labor (en)

It's becoming increasingly hard to tell computers and humans apart which could mean that we're entering an exciting age of exponential growth of intelligence and of eternal life. I will however approach this development by focusing on the invisible manual
26 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren
Sebastian Schmieg With the omnipresence of computation and
connectivity, artificial intelligence and all the hopes and fears
it provokes seem to come to life. While this is exciting for many –
an explosion of intelligence which could even lead to eternal
life – others are worried that our machines will turn against us
(somewhere in the middle, we are all simply happy to finally have
an assistant because we all need and deserve one, don't we?). In
this talk, I will follow neither of these two paths. Instead, as an
artist I critically approach AI as an efficient but exploitative
mode of organizing networks and especially of organizing networked
labor. And as such a mode, AI has already become a reality in which
we are both the bodies and the minds that make AI possible as a
mega corporation. In a network of labor this means that everything
we see, do, touch and decide becomes a micro job. Furthermore, AI
allows for the extraction of our cognitive resource which could
very well lead to the paradox that the more we work the more
obsolete we become. And the more we decide now, the less we might
be able to decide on our own in the future. Trapped in a system of
effective norms and biases. And so it turns out: the increasing
difficulty of telling apart humans and computers isn't only a
result of machines becoming intelligent – they might indeed become
intelligent one day – but  is in fact a result of the
dehumanising effect that these conditions have on us (one of
the consequence being that in many cases the digital assistant
we believe to deserve is actually a person having to pretend being
a somewhat intelligent machine).

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