Data for the People (en)

Data for the People (en)

Every time we search the Web, use our phone, read an email—or even turn on a light—we create data that businesses collect and use for decisions. As the exponential increase of data continues, it will likely continue to drive innovation and economic growth
24 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren
Andreas Weigend As this disparity becomes more apparent, Weigend
argues that efforts to shield yourself from data tracking aren’t in
an individual's best interest. In our post-privacy era, he shows
that the cost of trying to maintain privacy outweighs the benefits
of the data-dependent services we rely on today from making
purchases, to ride-sharing to dating.  Weigend will chart a
path forward by answering questions such as: What types of
transparency and control should be available to individuals, e.g.,
should people be able to blur their geolocation? What should
industry and government do to incentivize transparency, privacy and
security? What will it take to achieve a win-win? For data refiners
and individuals alike, this is a chance to explore these questions
and more with an experienced guide.

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