How to integrate ESG into a traditional investment risk management framework - (EN)

How to integrate ESG into a traditional investment risk management framework - (EN)

As socially responsible investing gains momentum, greater transparency is required in how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are applied and the effects they have. That means asset managers, who already face considerable regulatory press
39 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr
As socially responsible investing gains momentum, greater
transparency is required in how environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) criteria are applied and the effects they have.
That means asset managers, who already face considerable regulatory
pressure and constantly evolving reporting requirements, are also
being called on to integrate ESG into the process of measuring and
monitoring portfolio investment risk. In this talk, Pascal Glardon
presents one possible investment risk management framework, taking
into consideration a number of related issues such as the
availability of non-standardized ESG data among various providers,
technical requirements, and the complexity of multidimensional ESG
reporting.Disclaimer DE: Der Inhalt dieser Folge dient der
allgemeinen Information und ist keine Empfehlung zum Kauf oder zur
Veräusserung bestimmter Finanzinstrumente. Alle Angaben sind ohne
Gewähr und es handelt sich nicht um Anlageberatung.   EN: The
content of this episode is for general information purposes only
and does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell specific
financial instruments. All information is provided without
guarantee and does not constitute investment advice.

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