#184 Guruness, reincarnation, the grace of suffering and hanuman - Interview with Guru Pashupati

#184 Guruness, reincarnation, the grace of suffering and hanuman - Interview with Guru Pashupati

1 Stunde 21 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten

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HEUTE ZU GAST, Guru Pashupati (originally: Ashwin Chekava)

In today’s podcast we celebrate our first english speaking
episode from Germany to India with Guru Pashupati (originally:
Ashwin Chekava). Guru Pashupati tells from his childhood, how he
grew up and how suffering brought him through a long journey
until he reached the point of “I don’t need anything, I just
enjoy being in service.” This state of liberation (moksha) is a
big achievement of a yogic lifestyle that allows you to reach
hidden human potential that can just be embraced by the
accumulation of energy though following your spiritual practices

Mehr zu Guru Pashupati findest du hier:


Liebste Grüße und viel Spaß,

Lisa & Nawid

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