Maxxis BIKE Transalp 2024 | Stage 2

Maxxis BIKE Transalp 2024 | Stage 2

13 Minuten


vor 3 Monaten
Stage 2 | Imst > Nauders Distance76,92 km Altitude meters2.467
hm Level4/5 The Via Claudia Augusta sets the direction for the
second stage. But it does not strictly stick to that old Roman
road. Honestly, that would be too pity. The ancient Romans did not
yet know the bike trails on the Mutzkopf in Nauders. The Via
Claudia Augusta is an old Roman road that once connected Imst and
Nauders through the Inn Valley. And the 2nd stage follows this
ancient route, sometimes on the original paths, sometimes on roads
and paths that have become wider and more comfortable over time.
But the Via Claudia remains ...

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