CBD - A Question of Demarcation?

CBD - A Question of Demarcation?

42 Minuten
Cannabis Business Expo and Conference | 15 – 16 September 2023 | Dortmund, Germany


vor 7 Monaten

CBD - A Question of Demarcation?

CBD: Popular Among Consumers, a Regulatory Challenge. After the
CBD hype of recent years, companies are facing increasing
challenges in the market. The marketability of products is
dependent on category-appropriate marketing. The accusation of
misuse and the controlled substances status of industrial hemp
still play a role. What does the future hold for industrial hemp
products post-legalization? What role do pharmaceutical laws,
Novel Food, Cosing, and TPD play now, and what changes will occur
with the Cannabis Act?

Language: English


Lisa Haag (Moderator), MJ Universe GmbH, CEO

Sven Kalies (Speaker), BvCW e. V., Bord member

Lukas Rausse (Speaker), Arvaloo GmbH,
Co-Founder & CEO

Sébastien Ludovic Béguerie (Speaker), Canèbe
S.R.O., Alpha-Cat, Kanavape, Golden Buds, Ing. MSc Plant
Sciences, CEO, Founder and Creator

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