Alessio Ciulli on the next level of small molecules as thrapeutics: PROTACs

Alessio Ciulli on the next level of small molecules as thrapeutics: PROTACs

42 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Targeted protein degradation, or TPD, is a new and disruptive
therapeutic approach for development of medicines. TPD utilizes
the design of small molecules that can address disease-causing
proteins that are highly challenging to drug. We discuss with
@Alessio Ciulli about his exceptional career path as well as
about the transformative potential of so-called PROTACs for TPD.

Alessio Ciulli studied chemistry at the University of Florence in
Italy and completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge, UK.
Early on Alessio worked with biophysical and structural analysis
of protein-ligand interactions as well as fragment-based drug
discovery. Alessio collaborated during his career with Chris
Abell, Tom Blundell, and Craig Crews. Today, Alessio Ciulli is a
full professor at the @University of Dundee as well as the
Director of the new Centre for Targeted Protein Degradation

Alessio co-founded the biotech company @Amphista Therapeutics.
The company is focused on developing therapeutics leading
targeted protein degradation.

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