Elaine Hamm on overcoming the “shiny object syndrome” in biotech

Elaine Hamm on overcoming the “shiny object syndrome” in biotech

45 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

The path from the lab bench to market in biotech has many hurdles
and lots of opportunities. Sometimes too many. Elaine Hamm has
experienced all stages of bringing innovation from academia to a
successful company and products. She shares a valuable framework
on how to overcome the “shiny object syndrome” in biotech.

Elaine did her graduate and post-graduate studies in biochemistry
and microbiology. Early on she took the role of technology
development at the University of Oklahoma, where she built skills
in assessing and spinning out new technologies. After several
years at the venture capital company i2E, Elaine became the COO
at Accele Biopharma. Elaine is also founder of Ascend BioVentures
- pharmaceutical accelerator company. She founded Kirrhos
Pharamceuticals and is currently President of Otologic
Pharmaceutics, a clinical-stage company developing new treatments
for hearing-loss and hearing-related diseases.

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