CIO 023 – Think customer-centric with design thinking in IT – Interview with Prof. Dr. Falk Uebernickel

CIO 023 – Think customer-centric with design thinking in IT – Interview with Prof. Dr. Falk Uebernickel

Design thinking helps to develop new business models and prototypes for innovative and customer-centric products and services e.g. in IT-Organizations
36 Minuten
IT-Strategieentwicklung, IT-Organisationen und Transformation, Datenwert und digitale Geschäftsmodelle, Datenmanagement, Big Data und Business Analytics / Intelligence, Management Reporting und Unternehmensplanung, Systemakzeptanz und IT-Projektmanagem...


vor 7 Jahren
Petra Koch is talking with Prof. Dr. Falk Uebernickel about design
thinking. Design Thinking is a method that can be used to develop
customer-, user-, and human-centric products and services. The
following topics are discussed within this episode: * Challenges in
corporations regarding customer centricity and innovation
[00:01:30] * Basics about design thinking [00:09:30] * Obstacles in
corporations when it comes to using design thinking methods
[00:13:00] * Setting of design thinking projects to gain long term
results [00:20:30] * Typical design thinking project results within
the innovation processes [00:22:30] * Choosing the right design
thinking methods [00:24:30] * Establishing design thinking
effectively across the organization using lighthouse projects
[00:27:30] * One advise to a CIO or IT-Manager [00:35:00] Prof. Dr.
Falk Uebernickel is associate professor at the University of
St.Gallen, one of Europe´s leading universities for Strategy and
Management and Managing Partner of ITMP AG. You can find all
Shownotes with details regarding this podcast episode and the
interview transcript as well as links of the activities of Prof.
Dr. Falk Uebernickel via

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