Solution selling: All-inclusive logistics

Solution selling: All-inclusive logistics

37 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

When it comes to selling logistics services and products, many
companies increasingly face a common problem: customers often
need a variety of services – from pick-up and delivery, transport
and storage to complete supply chain solutions. This episode of
‘Logistics People Talk’ is dedicated to the Rhenus approach of
combining different services offered within the logistics company
in order to provide customers with wholesale, all-encompassing
solutions for their supply chains.

Experts Tobias König, Global CEO Rhenus Air & Ocean, Felix
Krede, International Sales and Marketing Director at Rhenus
Warehousing Solutions, and Carsten Hölzer, Managing Director
Rhenus Freight Road Sales & Management and Key Account
Manager Road Freight, talk about the challenges of bringing
together the knowledge and structure for global key account
management within the decentrally organised Rhenus Group.
Together, they dive into examples of approaches that already work
for various customers as well as future plans to optimise
tailor-made solutions. They also highlight the importance of
vertical approaches, e.g. for specialised industries such as the
sectors of pharma and healthcare, automotive, e-commerce and

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