Interview: Nikita Dhawan on global inequality & hashtag activism

Interview: Nikita Dhawan on global inequality & hashtag activism

In her research, Nikita Dhawan, a political scientist from India, focuses on human rights, democracy, the process of decolonisation and global justice. We met her for an in-depth conversation after her lecture at Tanzquartiers Tashweesh Festival. Di...
35 Minuten
period.podcast. gibt Fakten, aber vor allem aktuellen Debatten ein Gesicht und regt zu einem Dialog an, der den Zeitgeist motorisiert.


vor 1 Jahr

In her research, Nikita Dhawan, a political scientist from India,
focuses on human rights, democracy, the process of decolonisation
and global justice. We met her for an in-depth conversation after
her lecture at Tanzquartiers Tashweesh Festival.

Dieser Podcast ist in Kooperation mit dem Tanzquartier Wien im
Rahmen des Tashweesh Festival 2022 entstanden.

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