#18 Casper Jorna | I wanted to explore a freer environment where I could follow my ideas

#18 Casper Jorna | I wanted to explore a freer environment where I could follow my ideas

Inspiration & Motivation for Career & Life
32 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
Hello and welcome to episode 18, in which I got the chance to speak
with Casper Jorna. He is a partner at NEO - a global network of
leaders who challenge conventional thinking – as an expert in the
field of business innovation & transformation for a circular
economy. Casper will share with us how a lack of growth
opportunities let him to quit his last job and how he experiences
his current journey to figure out who he is. He talks about the
important role of his mentor, the value of not closing off any
opportunities to quickly and what it meant to him having left home
& friends for the last 4 years while stepping into the unknown.
Which 3 new and old habits helped him throughout his discovery
journey, why he left the corporate world to join an NGO and why the
capability to reinvent himself is so important to him you will hear
in this weeks episode! Enjoy Additional links you'll find in this
episodes shownotes! You are actually quite satisfied with the
direction you have taken so far, but somehow it doesn’t feel right
anymore? I am happy to support you on this journey as a Business,
Career & Life coach – face to face in Düsseldorf (Germany) or
in any other place by video or audio call. Get in touch for a free
initial consultation and email me on coaching@gina-friedrich.com -
I’m excited to hear from you!

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