Jemila asks: "Topher, why are you doing 'Dynamic Identities'?"

Jemila asks: "Topher, why are you doing 'Dynamic Identities'?"

7 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

Which was the incentive moment to start Dynamic Identities?
What's so deeply important to you to realize this idea?

At the end of our interview Jemila asked me these questions and I
thought, if YOU are listening to this, these might be questions
you could possibly have aswell. Curious about my answers? Click
play and find it out!


Are you getting curious and don't think I am a complete idiot
wasting my time doing this? Feel free to join the incredible
journey of adventurous interviews and conversations with wondrous
human beings. As mentioned in this episode, there are lots of
inspiring life realities as answers to those questions that shape
an identity waiting for us to share their stories. Alone the
contacting, interviewing, editing and publishing is a lot of
work. But together it has perspective and is even more fun. So
don't hesitate and

- feel free to listen to the episodes!

- write me at about someone
whose stories and answers should definately be on this podcast!

- participate yourself!

I am looking forward to your questions, ideas and motives!

Weitere Episoden

Dynamic Identities: Flo
23 Minuten
vor 4 Jahren
Dynamic Identities: Olinda
30 Minuten
vor 4 Jahren

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