#11 Conversation with Meg Thompson about New Earth Energy, Internal Processes &Cycles of Evolution

#11 Conversation with Meg Thompson about New Earth Energy, Internal Processes &Cycles of Evolution

1 Stunde 10 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Dear friends and listeners of this beautiful Podcast project. As
this year comes to an end and we step into a new year I would
love to invite you to listen to a very inspiring episode of this
show, which has been the start point of sharing this podcast with
the world. How I got support from the lovely Meg Thompson, an
amazing coach and women's empowerment witch, who held such
amazing space for my growth on so many levels. I absolutely want
to share that with you, as I know that this is what helped me
through my endless internal and external processes is to listen
to deep podcast conversations by people who dare to look beyond
what's considered normal and dive deep and dare to ask questions
and come to a point within themselves that leads to constant
growth and new outlooks on the world and this life. To a wild,
raw and unimaginable future beyond our wildest dreams. Let this
show be the start of it and let this game called life begin.

Where and how to find Meg:

Her Website:


Her Instagram:


Her Podcast:


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