#20: 'Letting Go' Affirmations for Muslim Women

#20: 'Letting Go' Affirmations for Muslim Women

10 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Salaam guys, 

with this episode I am continuing the affirmations series. A lot
of you have requested affirmations for letting go and choosing to
have more peace in life. Listening to daily affirmations can help
you create new synaptic pathways within your brain. Because often
times our brain can slip into the habit of negative thinking and
also thinking the worst case. Whenever you feel like you're
stuck, in the past or overthinking you can come back to these

When it comes to letting go and having inner peace it's important
to remember that Allah is the giver of peace: As Salaam. He is
the One who grants peace and security to all his creation. He is
source of peace and security for mankind. It is mankind that
needs peace and security through Him. Breaking away from As-Salam
brings disturbance and destruction on oneself.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
“If you were to rely upon Allah with reliance due to Him,
He would provide for you just as He provides for the birds. They
go out in the morning with empty stomachs and return

So with these affirmations I want you to remember As Salaam and
reaffirm your trust in him when letting go. 

When you think positive of Allah that is what you will experience
insha allah.  So speak positive things and think positive
things happening to you and insha allah good things will happen
to you!

These affirmations are a mix of Idil Ahmed's affirmations and
 my own.

Have fun listening.

My Instagram: @principleofhappiness

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