Episode 13 with Sara & Sophie: SEA-EYE 4's First Mission (ENG)

Episode 13 with Sara & Sophie: SEA-EYE 4's First Mission (ENG)

1 Stunde 2 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

We had to take a bit of a podcast break because I was on the
first mission of SEA-EYE 4 as RHIB Communicator, alongside Sára
Činčurová, Journalist and Human Rights activist. In this special
episode, we share our thoughts, feelings, and impressions from
the first-ever rescue mission of Sea-Eye's new vessel. We try to
reconstruct the entire mission with its total of 6 rescue cases
in less than 3 days and 408 rescued people aboard. We explain our
roles and try to give a very personal and heartfelt insight as to
what happened aboard the rescue boats and the mothership.
Together we recount our most memorable moments, conversations we
had with the survivors, and what we've learned during these
intense four weeks.

More information about Sea-Eye:  
https://sea-eye.org/en - Feel free to support us with a donation!

Sara's article series about pregnant refugees crossing the
Guardian article about the Mission:

[Intro&Outo: Thanks to Jan Wohlfahrt]

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