Mutually Assured Construction (en)

Mutually Assured Construction (en)

Cooperation is difficult, and designing for it is even harder. Even when everybody agrees on an end goal, and everybody agrees on what is needed to achieve that end goal, it does not mean that everyone (or even anyone) will be able to take the first step,
50 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren
Usman Haque Does collaboration imply consensus, and if not, how can
we design systems that allow for such messiness? How do we
structure participation in the context of 'super wicked' problems
of the urban environment? And why should we? This talk will propose
some tools and strategies for collaboratively designing cities and
structuring participation (both online and offline) in a way that
doesn't just invite collaboration but requires it, with specific
reference to Usman's work on interactive environments, urban
spectacles, collaboration platforms and other concrete

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