The four C's with Jason Boone (ENG)

The four C's with Jason Boone (ENG)

1 Stunde 4 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
We are back in English with nobody less than former pro-baller
Jason Boone. That basically already guarantees a ton of brainpops.
Jason spoke about his retirement and what strategy he found to heal
his body and mind after 12 demanding years of professional
basketball. We talked about his passion to write and chose some
quotes of his blogs to talk about. He explained his mindset as a
player on and off the court and also dove deep into what he
considers „being a nice person“ and why he thinks vulnerabilty is
an important trait these days. Lennart obviously came through with
his psychological oriented topics while Dom also managed to squeeze
in some performance questions. Go get some popcorn, lean back and
let us entertain your brain with Jason Boone!

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