Episode 28: Repairing Spinal Cord Injuries? (Piezo4Spine)

Episode 28: Repairing Spinal Cord Injuries? (Piezo4Spine)

45 Minuten


vor 6 Monaten

It could happen to any of us: Spinal cord injury. At the moment,
only the symptoms can be treated. Piezo4Spine aims to find a way
to repair the injury using nanotechnology. The Piezo4Spine
initiative, endowed with 3.6 million euros through the Pathfinder
funds of the European Union, is coordinated by the Institute of
Materials Science of Madrid (ICMM) together with seven research
centers from six European countries. The project coordinator Dr.
Maria Concepción Serrano explains how the multidisciplinary team
is working together in order to find a therapy for spinal cord

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