Over there in Arabia #2: Germany, Tunisia and the World Cup in Qatar

Over there in Arabia #2: Germany, Tunisia and the World Cup in Qatar

55 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

The World Cup is in full motion and debates couldn't be more
controversial. Is it our duty to boycott an event that has cost
so many exploited migrant workers their lives?

While arguing about this very topic, Heiner and Reiner, two
German workers, happen to meet an “Arabian” journalist. Being
from Tunisia, his perception of the subject is rather new to

Very soon, they start to question themselves: Is the "western”
view the only legitimate opinion? What is there to criticize
about Qatar and how should we stand up for human rights? How does
the Arab world look at this World Cup? And what does it mean for
the Global South to participate in such an event?

Eyes were opened, narrow views widened.

#Qatar #WorldCup #Orientalist #football #Tunisia #colonialism
#soccer #onelove #FIFA #Arabia #Palestine #Arab #hypocrisy #bias

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