Episode 177: Take 2 and GIMP!

Episode 177: Take 2 and GIMP!

Postprocessing digital photos with the GIMP - it's free and powerfull
Postprocessing digital photos with the GIMP - it's free and powerfull


vor 12 Jahren
Nachbarnebenan continues his tutorial from the last episode. He isolated his model from the a bit to vivid background by making two images from his RAW file. One is crisp and colourful – best for the model. The other one is soft and a bit dull – this tones the background down.
In this episode he combines them to one image with a layer mask.

Did you know that there is a filter in GIMP to emulate the look of an image for colour blind people? Nachbarnebenan shows how to use it. It’s no so important for photography – but think of all the graphics work done with GIMP. By using this filter you can make a difference in accessibility

If you want to get into programming plugins for GIMP in Python – there is link to this great HD video from Gimpusers.com.

And for the next episode you’ll need a Trench coat and dark glasses – we’ll enter the Stasi headquaters at night.

Sorry, no TOC up to now, but at around 15:30 is the great segment about GIMP and colour blindness.

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