S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now tour<br /> (Sheraton Laguardia, New York, NY - English/Mandarin)

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now tour<br /> (Sheraton Laguardia, New York, NY - English/Mandarin)

Our final stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to the Sheraton Laguardia, New York, NY, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.&nbsp; This is a bilingual talk presented in English and Mandarin. Meditation Now Talk with Q&amp;A Shera
Pariyatti exists to bring people into contact with the teachings of the Buddha. We provide resources in the Theravāda tradition, and support Pāli language students and Vipassana meditators, in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin as taught by S.N. Goenka...


vor 14 Jahren
Our final stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to the Sheraton Laguardia, New York, NY, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.  This is a bilingual talk presented in English and Mandarin.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Sheraton Laguardia (English / Mandarin)
Recorded August 5, 2002
94 minutes
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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Research Institute
There is more information about vipassana
meditation at Dhamma.org, and
books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.
May all
beings be happy!

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