The Flash Talk Podcast #55 - S 3 Ep 9 THE PRESENT

The Flash Talk Podcast #55 - S 3 Ep 9 THE PRESENT

Barry asks Jay Garrick for help against Savitar. The two heroes locate and defeat Alchemy and return his weapon to its box, causing Savitar to disappear before it can kill Jay.
A place for all Flash fans to meet. The Official Un-official The Flash Talk Fan Podcast. #Theflash #CW


vor 7 Jahren
Barry asks Jay Garrick for help against Savitar. The two heroes locate and defeat Alchemy and return his weapon to its box, causing Savitar to disappear before it can kill Jay. Discovering Julian to be Alchemy, Barry reveals his own identity to him to get further information. Julian relates how he located the Philosopher's Stone following a vision of his dead sister, and that he has been having blackouts ever since. Savitar manifests through Cisco using visions of Dante and fights Barry and Wally, but Caitlin manages to convince Cisco to close the box again. The team communicates with Savitar through Julian, who claims that Barry, in the future, will imprison him. He also says that one teammate will betray them, another will "fall", and a third will suffer a fate worse than death. Trying to end Savitar's threat, Barry and Jay throw the box into the Speed Force, but in the process, Barry is thrown five months into the future and witnesses Savitar killing Iris. Jay advises Barry that the future is not fixed. Wally is given his own "Kid Flash" uniform, Julian gets Barry's job back for him, and Barry rents a new apartment for him and Iris.

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