Marian Apparitions

Marian Apparitions

This week we’re joined by Luis Salgado, a listener and friend of the show who wrote in and requested tonight's topic of Marian Apparitions. We take a look at 3 separate cases all acknowledged by the Catholic Church as legitimate visions of the Virgin M
2 Stunden 19 Minuten
The After Midnight Podcast...A podcast for those who love tales of urban legends, the supernatural, the paranormal, conspiracy theories and unsolved mysteries.


vor 7 Jahren
This week we’re joined by Luis Salgado, a listener and friend of the show who wrote in and requested tonight's topic of Marian Apparitions. We take a look at 3 separate cases all acknowledged by the Catholic Church as legitimate visions of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes, France in 1858 , Tepeyac Hill, Mexico in 1531 & Fatima, Portugal in 1917.

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