Sacred Sunday~I Corinthians Chapter 4/Fools For Christ

Sacred Sunday~I Corinthians Chapter 4/Fools For Christ

Paul of Tarsus: Professional House Sitter The apostles are like house sitters taking care of God's place while he's temporarily out of town. Sure, you have to c
31 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 9 Jahren
Paul of Tarsus: Professional House Sitter
The apostles are like house sitters taking care of God's place while he's temporarily out of town. Sure, you have to check the references for your house sitter, but other than that, you're good. And Paul's references—namely Jesus—are pretty ironclad. That's why the Corinthians shouldn't judge his work against the work of others. God has already vouched for him. It's not like Paul is never going to face judgment—but that, friends, is up to God himself. In short: don't do God's job for him, Corinthians. But then again, Paul tells them, maybe it's cool for you guys to judge in God's place because you're so amazing. Sarcasm alert! After all, the Corinthians are the greatest, right? They're rich as kings! They have power and wisdom and strength and everyone loves them! They're the best! (Not.) And the poor apostles—like Paul—are just poor and weak and hungry and thirsty and homeless and beaten and weary and… okay, we get it Paul.
Daddy Dearest
Look, Paul says, sarcastic comments aside, he's not trying to be a jerk. He doesn't want to embarrass the Corinthians or make them feel bad. Um, okay… He's kind of acting like their dad. Um, Paul, isn't that God's metaphor? Paul watches over them along with Jesus like a father. So do as he says, kids. Paul tells them that he's sending Timothy to Corinth so that he can remind the little children of the church how they should be acting. And if Paul doesn't hear a good report… well, then, he is going to have to come down there, young church! And he might be bringing his belt with him. Run, kids! Thanks to

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