Sacred Sunday~I Corinthians Chapter 6/Sue Not, Lest Ye Be Sued

Sacred Sunday~I Corinthians Chapter 6/Sue Not, Lest Ye Be Sued

Welcome to Sacred Sunday! Sue Not, Lest Ye Be Sued. Paul has some other advice. Don't take each other to court over every little thing. Somewhere, Judge Judy i
34 Minuten
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Welcome to Sacred Sunday!

Sue Not, Lest Ye Be Sued. Paul has some other advice. Don't take each other to court over every little thing. Somewhere, Judge Judy is cheering. Sue Not, Lest Ye Be Sued. Seriously, Corinthians.  Let the church community help settle it. Sounds like a good idea. That's way better than going in front of a bunch of non-believers in Roman courts. What would be even better was if Christians didn't sue each other at all, but Paul's not going to shoot for the moon here. Kingdom of God Entrance Exam. After all, Paul explains, terrible people are not going to inherit the kingdom of God. Not even a little bit. Fornicators? Idolaters? Adulterers? Male prostitutes? Sodomites? Thieves? Greedy folks? Drunks? Abusers? They're all out. Paul points out that some of the folks in the Christian church used to be guilty of this kind of stuff. Uh-oh…But, then they were baptized in Christ and it's all good.  Let's just try to keep it that way, guys. It Does a Body Good. Because they've become new people through baptism, it seems the Corinthians think that they can do whatever they like. Not quite. Sure, they could go around having sex with loads of different people and eating whatever they want, but Paul doesn't really think this is a swell idea. They've got to treat their bodies right. After all, the Corinthians' bodies belong to God. They're his temples, remember? Besides, it's not like their bodies are going to get left behind in the end. Nope. God is going to raise them up… eventually. So that means if you have some sexy times with a prostitute, then you're becoming one with a prostitute and not with God. Look, Paul says, the point is, our bodies aren't our own. We can't just go around sleeping with whomever and think it's a-okay, because it is not. There goes the Corinthians' fun weekend plans. Thanks to

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