John B. Alexander, Ph.D.~Author/Scientist/Researcher/Adventurer

John B. Alexander, Ph.D.~Author/Scientist/Researcher/Adventurer

John B. Alexander, Ph.D. Dr. John Alexander, author of the book The Warrior's Edge, has a long history of traveling a fine line between traditional sciences an
2 Stunden 2 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 8 Jahren
John B. Alexander, Ph.D.

Dr. John Alexander, author of the book The Warrior's Edge, has a long history of traveling a fine line between traditional sciences and studying various phenomena.  He has been judicious in applying a scientifically trained, critical eye while personally encountering many situations that defy conventional explanations.  Still, he remains focused on pursuing a path of knowledge that is likely to change how many people view the world. On this path there have been many adventures.  Developing a deep interest in near-death studies, John Alexander completed his doctoral work under the world famous Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.  He went on to become the president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies then-located at the University of Connecticut. As always, he split his efforts and continued a pragmatic path helping to create Children’s Hospice International, an organization dedicated to assisting children who are facing life-threatening illnesses and their families.  For that effort he received a President’s Award for Volunteer Action from President Ronald Reagan. Until recently he worked part-time for the National Institute for Discovery Science a private research organization dedicated to exploring the UFO topic. His book, UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities had been released by St. Martin’s Press, February 2011. To this day, Dr. Alexander continues his search.  He calls it as he sees it. He has little use for conspiracy theorists, true believers who take in everything without questioning, or scoffers who refuse to accept facts no matter how persuasive. For nine years he served, as a councilor for the Society for Scientific Exploration is a past president of the International Association for Near Death Studies, and a founding board member of the International Remote Viewer's Association. Books available on Amazon.

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