Melinda Leslie~UFO Researcher/Experiencer

Melinda Leslie~UFO Researcher/Experiencer

Listen in tonight as we discuss everything UFOs with researcher Melinda Leslie
2 Stunden 3 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 8 Jahren
Melinda Leslie 

Melinda Leslie will update us on her latest research on how covert military programs are reverse engineering extraterrestrial abductees for information to be used in both extraterrestrial (ET) technology and covert-ops personnel development programs.  She explains how the management of ET information includes the monitoring, re-abduction, interrogation, and recruitment of alien abductees into covert programs, equating it to just as covert-ops military personnel gather and reverse-engineer ET craft, they also gather and reverse-engineer abductees. Melinda will share startling new developments, new evidence, and detailed experiences never shared before!   This will include audio recordings made by one of her cases of actual ET and MILAB abduction events while they were occurring in his home. Melinda has been public with her own extraterrestrial abduction and MILAB experiences for over 24 years, researched a covert-ops military involvement in abductions for 23 years, and is currently writing a book detailing her research. Her research and personal experiences have been featured in 19 books by prominent names in ufology. Melinda has lectured for numerous organizations including the International UFO Congress, multiple MUFON chapters, the X-Conference, the Bay Area UFO Expo, UFO Con, UFO Expo West, The Whole Life Expo, and more. She has been a guest on numerous popular radio shows including as a repeat guest on Coast-to-Coast AM, and appeared on several television shows. Melinda has also been a researcher and investigator in the field of ufology for over 25 years.  She is now the Director of UFO Sighting Tours in Sedona, Arizona, conducting over 450 tours with the use of military Generation III Night Vision Goggle equipment, intuitive consultations, and teaches a class on how to bend metal with your mind (psychokinesis)., www.sedonanewagestore/melinda

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