Sacred Sunday~I Corinthians Chapter 12/Spiritual Gifts You Can't Get at Macys

Sacred Sunday~I Corinthians Chapter 12/Spiritual Gifts You Can't Get at Macys

Keeping Sunday Sacred~Bible Reading and Journey Through the New Testament
32 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 8 Jahren
I Corinthians Chapter 12.

Paul moves on to discuss gifts. No, you're not getting a new iPad. He's talking about spiritual gifts from God.For example: how do we know the difference between people who are spiritually gifted and people who are just off their rockers? Well, Paul says, as long as they're not cursing Jesus, they're good. It's a pretty low bar, but we're with him so far. There are all kinds of different gifts people can have, but they all come from God. What are some of the gifts Paul recognizes? We're glad you asked:
WisdomKnowledgeFaithHealingWorking miraclesProphecyDiscerning spiritsSpeaking in tonguesInterpretation of tongues
Rock That Body
Different people have different gifts, but this is just like a human body. Oh, time for Anatomy 101.All the parts—eyes, ears, feet, hands—need to work together so the body can function. You can't have a foot going off on its own or the whole thing falls apart.All Christians make up the body of Christ and every single part is important for keeping this body healthy. Hear that, Corinthians?You're all in this together.Paul even says that sometimes the puniest, weakest parts of the body turn out to be the most important. Like fingernails? Or toes?So to recap: we're all very special little snowflakes.If everyone could make miracles or everyone spoke in tongues things would be a huge mess. Everyone's gifts are needed to make things awesome.

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