Are We Alone? UFO Panel Discusses The Question For The Ages!

Are We Alone? UFO Panel Discusses The Question For The Ages!

Kathleen Marden, Suzanne Chancellor, Denise Stoner, Pamela Loffredo & Julia Weiss Discuss UFOs
2 Stunden 41 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 8 Jahren
Tonight we have a distinguished panel of guests. They will also be speaking at the upcoming Experiencers Speak Conference in Portland, Maine on Saturday August 29th 2015.

Suzanne Chancellor is a lifelong abductee and experiencer. Upon reading Whitley Strieber’s Communion in 1987, she began to recover memories of visitations from otherworldly beings that began in 1966 at her childhood home in Pasadena, California. She now hosts her podcast Random Alien Brain Droppings, also the title of her blog. She also has a Blog that is available at Pamela Loffredo has been a Research Specialist in the field of UFOlogy and Extraterrestrial Visitation for over 30 years, after a series of close encounter sightings in the Hudson Valley Region of New York State. She was a physician's Assistant for over 17 years, Pamela is now employed  as a Professional Psychic at Leapin' Lizards Holistic Center in Portland, Maine.  Denise Stoner, MUFON's Asst. Director of Abduction Studies, Florida, and Field Investigator, Florida and STAR Team member. Director of the Florida Research Group affiliation of UFORCOP. She also holds educational forums for public and private gatherings for abduction experiencers. Denise has an educational background in business and psychology, and a certified hypnotist specializing in regressive hypnosis. She recorded evidence of the development of psychic abilities following their experiences with UFOs and ETs, and  abductees’ abilities to locate missing people and predict future events. Julia Weiss, started as a State Section Director with Mufon, after a sighting then was asked to join Starborn Support then became a co-host for the Starborn Support Radio Show and through meditation receives downloads of info about ascension and our role.

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