Cris D. Putnam~Author/Apologetic Theologian/Expert in Biblical Prophecy

Cris D. Putnam~Author/Apologetic Theologian/Expert in Biblical Prophecy

The Paranormal and The Sacred Radio Show welcomes special guest Cris D. Putnam
3 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 8 Jahren
Cris D. Putnam         (I'm sorry folks. Our guest was unable to make it tonight. Please consider listening to his one past shows or one of our other shows, thank you.)

In addition to his scholarly work in apologetic theology, Cris D. Putnam is a bestselling co-author of  recent books with co-author Thomas Horn: Petrus Romanus,  Exo-Vaticana , and On the Path of the Immortals as well as being a contributor to the compilation Pandemonium's Engine: the Rise of Transhumanism and Blood on the Altar: the coming war of Christian vs, Christian. His latest book is The Supernatural Worldview with an introduction written by Chuck Missler. He holds a Master’s degree in Theological Studies, a Bachelor of Science degree in religion and mathematics as well as a certification in Christian apologetics. He is a lifetime member of the Koinonia Institute  a multidenominational Christian think tank. Cris is recognized for his expertise in the area of biblical prophecy and other prophetic traditions.  He will be in soon to be released in October 2015, Inhuman: the Transhuman Agenda.   Cris and Tom Horn are currently publishing a book connecting Freemasonry, Russia, Islam, and the Roman Catholic Church to the New World

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