Sacred Sunday~Galathians, Chapter 1/I am Right, Says Paul.

Sacred Sunday~Galathians, Chapter 1/I am Right, Says Paul.

Today we are reading Galathians Chapter 1. Join us for our weekly Bible reading!
32 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 8 Jahren
Hello, My Name Is Paul

Greetings from Paul! He's an apostle sent by God, and he's totally ready to rock this whole disciple of Christ thing. This time he's writing to the churches in Galatia, but he's not too thrilled with what's been going on there. Oh, do tell, Paul. Well, it seems some of the Galatians have been turning their backs on God and putting their faith in a twisted version of the gospel. Say it ain't so, Galatians! Let Paul be clear: there's only one gospel. It's the one Paul told them about. Just because someone comes along and starts spouting off all kinds of random ideas about Jesus, that doesn't make them true. Even an angel from Heaven who teaches them the wrong things about Jesus is gonna get a smackdown from God. This goes double for any humans trying to pervert God's message about Jesus. Seriously, naysayers, God is not amused. Look guys, Paul's not trying to win any popularity contests here. He's just doing what the Big Guy told him. After all, Paul didn't get his info from just anywhere—he got it from Jesus Christ himself. Paul is pretty sure the Galatians know about his past. But he's gonna tell them again anyhow. Just once more for good measure. Back in the day, Paul was a super devout Jew who persecuted Christians on the side. Uh-huh. He's was über pious and totally loved Jewish law—even more than most other Jews—but when God sent him a vision of Jesus, everything changed. He started preaching the good news about Jesus right away. He didn't high tail it to Jerusalem to meet with Jesus's disciples there. He went out on his own and spread the good word. Paul's a rebel like that. Three years after his conversion, he did take a quick trip to Jerusalem, but he only met with Cephas (a.k.a. Simon Peter, Jesus's right-hand man from all the gospels) and James (Jesus's brother). 

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