John Draper~Author of the book 'A Danger to God Himself'.

John Draper~Author of the book 'A Danger to God Himself'.

Tonight we welcome author John Draper as we kick off our first show of the New Year!
2 Stunden 2 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 8 Jahren
John Draper

John Draper was born and raised in Seattle. He attended the University of Washington and earned a bachelor's degree in editorial journalism and went to work in newspapers north of Seattle. Draper had known he wanted to be an author since he was 9, but life got in the way. College. Mental Illness. Divorce. Raising his kids. Finally, when his kids went off to college, Draper had the time to devote to writing his novel. He began reading everything he could about Mormonism and began iniviting in the Mormon missionaries who would knock on his door. He also attended a local Mormon church "under cover." He decided to write a book about a Mormon missionary who goes insane on his mission—schizophrenia. He started the novel six years ago with the intent of skewering Mormonism through it. In fact, he says he felt led by God to write the book. The book does skewer religious certainty, but in the process of writing it, Draper's religious certainty suffered a protracted, though not entirely unpleasant, death. Draper still believes that God exists but denies the possiblity of having a relationship with God or being "empowered" by God. Religion, he says, is a human construct.  "A Danger to God Himself is a crazy, mind-blowing, dialectical journey

in search of ultimate truth that ends with the discovery of love". Draper's book, A Danger to God Himself, is available in ebook and paperback on Amazon. He can be reached at

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