Curtis Don Vito & Kelly Magee~Musicians w/the band SNEW. The Illuminati, Part II

Curtis Don Vito & Kelly Magee~Musicians w/the band SNEW. The Illuminati, Part II

Tonight we welcome musicians Curtis Don Vito and Kelly Magee. The Illuminati Part II!
2 Stunden 4 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 8 Jahren
Curtis Don Vito and Kelly Magee, Part II. The Illuminati

Curtis Don Vito is a singer, songwriter, artist and front man for the independent rock band SNEW. Curtis is a visionary, psychic, and clairvoyant.  Curtis has spent his entire life communicating with angels, guides and spirits from other dimensions. He is the only person I know who I can have a six hour conversation with and call him right back for more because it was so interesting!  Curtis Don Vito will be sharing his experiences and insights into the power of the spiritual, and personal freedom verses Illuminati attempts at control from the highest levels. He is sharing with us his knowledge and theories on the New World Order with his SNEW band mate, Kelly Magee. Kelly Magee is a lifelong musician, former Golf Teaching Pro and most importantly a guy who threw away his television set for good in 2005. Kelly has been reading and studying about the world power matrix and their manipulations via alternative media a minimum of two hours a day since 2005. Together they will be discussing Illuminati, which means "enlightened ones" in Latin. It appears that the Illuminati’s main goal is to destroy national identities of countries, the Catholic Church, control others and eventually to establish the New World Order. We will be discussing this and more tonight! Contact:

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