Sacred Sunday~I Thessalonians, Chapter 2/Hello Again from Paul

Sacred Sunday~I Thessalonians, Chapter 2/Hello Again from Paul

Sacred Sunday Bible Study every Sunday 11am. You are very welcome to attend!
32 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 8 Jahren
I Thessalonians, Chapter 2

More greetings from Paul—What up, Thessalonica? Apparently, not much has changed since Paul last wrote. The Thessalonians are still keeping the faith, still loving, and still being persecuted. High fives all around! (Well, not so much for the persecution part.) However, there are a few points they need to go over. Some of them are wondering if "the day of the Lord" has come already. The answer is no. Apparently a lot of this end of the world stuff depends on a shady figure called the Man of Sin. He sounds scary, but no worries. Jesus is gonna wipe him out when he comes again. It's totally on his apocalyptic to-do list. Paul closes by reminding them not to tolerate any loafers in their midst. If folks aren't willing to work, then they're not gonna eat. Hardcore. Love, peace, and prayers to everyone back in Thessalonica. Paul out. Thanks to

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