2 Timothy, Chapter 1~ Doing Time For Jesus

2 Timothy, Chapter 1~ Doing Time For Jesus

Welcome to Sacred Sunday Bible Study with Char! 2 Timothy Chapter 1
32 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 7 Jahren
Doing Time for Jesus, 2 Timothy Chapter 1
It's Paul again, writing yet another letter to his favorite co-worker in Christ (shhh, don't tell Titus).Paul tells Timothy that he prays for him all the time and really wants to get together very soon (have his people call your people, Timothy). Oh, and he's always happy when he thinks of Timothy's grandma, Lois, and his mom, Eunice, who were both faithful Christians, too.Even though Paul's in prison right now (yeah, he went to prison a lot), he tells Timothy not to be embarrassed that he's in the slammer. In fact, Timothy should suffer with Paul. Sounds like…fun?After all, that's what God wants. That's why he sent Jesus to save the world and kick death's butt so that everyone could live with God forever.In a nutshell, that's why God sent Paul to preach the word…and that's why he's always going through tough times.But Paul's not worried. He knows he's put his faith in Jesus and that things will work out okay in the end.And everyone else can be saved, too, if they only follow the right teachings (hint: these are the ones from Paul).Of course, anyone who goes the other way won't be so lucky. We're looking at you, Phygelus and Hermogenes. Paul knows what you did last summer, guys.But Onesiphorus is the best. He found Paul while he was in prison in Rome and has helped him out quite a bit.

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