Sacred Sunday Bible Study with Char~Titus/Chapter 3

Sacred Sunday Bible Study with Char~Titus/Chapter 3

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32 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 7 Jahren
Titus Chapter 3!     Respect His Authority
Paul tells Timothy that he should let everyone know that they need to obey authority (in case you haven't noticed, Paul's pretty into that here).Basically, Christians should be kind to non-Christians. After all, it wasn't so long ago that they didn't know about Jesus either.Jesus has come to save everyone, says Paul. And not because people are all so great or have done something to deserve it. It's just because that's how God rolls.By being baptized, every Christian gets to share in the saving power of God's goodness. So, if you believe in God, you'll act Godly. It's pretty simple.Paul reminds Timothy not to sit around all day and argue with the naysayers. Sure, he can correct them once or twice, but after that, he should just ignore them. They'll dig their own graves.Paul drops a few more names here, ends with a little "grace be with you," and he's out. Thanks to

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