Sacred Sunday Presents~Hebrews Chapter 2/Being Human

Sacred Sunday Presents~Hebrews Chapter 2/Being Human

Welcome to Sacred Sunday Bible Reading with Char!
17 Minuten
Char McCain Interviews experts in the Field of The Paranormal


vor 7 Jahren
Being Human -Please note we lost connection during the program and will fill that part in next time.
Okay, so God's Son is super important—that's why his followers need to pay really close attention to what they've been taught about him. Otherwise, they might start getting a little lazy about this whole following God thing. No one wants that.After all, says Hebrews, God gave the world the Torah  to tell us to expect his son. And the Jewish prophets backed him up. Then God showed off by letting all kinds of miracles happen to show the truth. Finally, he went and gave the world the Holy Spirit. Message received, God.Quick side note: folks who believe that Jesus is the son of God tend to interpret the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament as a precursor of the New Testament—they believe that parts of the Hebrew Bible predict the birth (and story) of Jesus and that the New Testament is basically a fulfillment of the Old. But folks who just use the Hebrew Bible (namely, Jews) would argue that Christians are projecting this reading onto the scripture where it doesn't exist. For our part, we don't really care who thinks what—we're reading this as literature, and we're going to analyze it as such.Back to Hebrews: when the world needed a savior, did God send an angel? Nope. He sent his son. Oh, did we mention? His name is Jesus.Even though Jesus is totally equal with God, there was a time when he "was made lower than the angels" and became a human being.After he suffered and died, Jesus got all kinds of glory and honor from God. Way to make the Old Man proud.Basically, that just means that, by suffering and dying, Jesus became "perfect," and was able to show the rest of the world how to perfectly follow God as well. All in a days work for the savior of the world, we guess.

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