Biking To & Falling From Iconic Utah Towers, Raising Turtles in Prison, Digging In Iraq, and Keeping Green New Year Resolutions

Biking To & Falling From Iconic Utah Towers, Raising Turtles in Prison, Digging In Iraq, and Keeping Green New Year Resolutions

This week, we climb sandstone towers in the picturesque southwestern United States with Alex Honnold and Cedar Wright for Sufferfest 2, then we mine data to save human & animal lives, make New Year's resolutions worth keeping, save prisoners by teachi


vor 9 Jahren
This week, we climb sandstone towers in the picturesque southwestern United States with Alex Honnold and Cedar Wright for Sufferfest 2, then we mine data to save human & animal lives, make New Year's resolutions worth keeping, save prisoners by teaching them to raise frogs and turtles, and dig in some of the world's most war-torn dirt for hints of our human past.